drony na tle mapy Ukrainy

Send your used or broken drone. Send parts, cameras, batteries everything will be useful! Our service centers will repair them and make them functional. Drones will help in documenting war devastation in Ukraine.
We also accept donations for new spare parts.

You can also donate this action:

Aleja Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 36/112B
02-797 Warszawa

NIP: 9512293688
Nr rachunku: 36 1240 1112 1111 0010 2743 9367

Koniecznie z dopiskiem: Drony na Wschód

Patronat MSZ, Ministerstwo infrastruktury, InPost

dron bayraktar w hali targowej

We participated in the SAHA EXPO fair

Our representative participated in the SAHA EXPO in Istanbul, where he established cooperation with the Turkish Aviation Industry Cluster. Soon, a cooperation agreement will be signed between our Chamber and the Turkish Cluster.

One of the exhibitors was the BAYRAKTAR company, which produces TB2 military drones.

Poland purchased 24 such sets.

A working group for drone safety was established at the Government Security Center. The task of the group is to develop methodology and standards aimed at institutions and companies in the field of protection against potential incidents related to road technology. Representatives of PANSA, CAA, the Ministry of Infrastructure and our Chamber take part in the works.