Last week, the Board of the Chamber held another working meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding spraying drones and their approval for use.

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Konferencja 20 lat Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Polska Strefa Inwestycji na wspólnym rynku europejskim

Next week, on May 27 at 11:00, the coneference “20 years of Poland in the European Union” will be held at the Poznań Congress Center. Polish Investment Agency on the European market.”

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Spotkanie w Krajowej Izbie Gospodarczej - powołanie Polsko-Emirackiej Rady Biznesu - 15.05.2024

On May 15, 2024, the Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems joined the newly established Polish-Emirate Business Council. Participation in this elite group of the largest companies from the UAE and Poland opens unique opportunities for our members.

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