Last week, the Board of the Chamber held another working meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding spraying drones and their approval for use.
Read moreNext week, on May 27 at 11:00, the coneference “20 years of Poland in the European Union” will be held at the Poznań Congress Center. Polish Investment Agency on the European market.”
Read moreOn May 15, 2024, the Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems joined the newly established Polish-Emirate Business Council. Participation in this elite group of the largest companies from the UAE and Poland opens unique opportunities for our members.
Read moreInformation
Oświadczenie o wysokości składek
Prawa autorskie: Polska Izba Systemów Bezzałogowych
Members and Partners
UAV Chamber Poland
KRS 0000687201
NIP 5223096212