Increase with us the competitiveness of the Polish unmanned systems industry


We work with all our enthusiasm and with an innovative approach to increase the competitiveness of the Polish unmanned industry, including companies from the SME sector, by developing innovative projects and supporting the dynamics of our members. One of the goals of our activity is also to establish cooperation with national and international organizations through which we will support the integration of our members in local and global markets.

The dynamic technological progress of autonomous vehicles – including unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) – is becoming a reality. The potential of this field is huge and multifaceted, and its use can positively change the reality around us. It is estimated that by 2022 the global drone market will be worth over $21 billion. Poland, thanks to the high intellectual potential, entrepreneurship and initiative shown by the drone industry, as well as the favorable attitude of public authorities, can make the market for autonomous vehicles one of the important incentives for economic development.

Appreciating the importance of and the need for the development of the drone market in Poland, PISB sees the need to take action aimed at: – identify regulatory areas important for the industry and legal barriers to drone market development in Poland; – develop and implement appropriate legislation; – set standards for market operations – create a code of good practice; – use existing and propose new mechanisms for financing and supporting projects relating to autonomous vehicles; – educate the public on the opportunities offered by the development of the autonomous vehicle industry in Poland

woman's eye looking through digital transparent screen

We are great smart fast


The latest information on the unmanned systems industry, companies, legal regulations, offers, tenders, from Poland as well as around the world.

Spotkanie - Prezes PISB Robert Fintak - Rafał Trzaskowski, Cezary Tomczyk

The President of the Chamber at one meeting with Rafał Trzaskowski and Cezary Tomczyk

On February 27, 2025, the President of the Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems – Robert Fintak, participated in a meeting with Mr. Rafał Trzaskowski – candidate for the President of the Republic of Poland and Mr. Cezary Tomczyk – Deputy…
Konferencja "Drony wśród nas" - Uczelnia Łazarskiego - 05.03.2025

Conference: “Drones among us” under the patronage of Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems – 5.03.2025

Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems took patronage over the 10th edition of the scientific conference "Drones among us. Social acceptance of new technology", which will be held on March 5, 2025 at Lazarski University in Warsaw. This unique…
Drone Business Meetup - Polsko-Tajwańska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa + Polska Izba Systemów Bezzałogowych

Drone Business Meetup – 21.02.2025

Drone Business Meetup took place thanks to the joint efforts of the Polish-Taiwanese Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems. The event, full of specific business talks, showed that there is huge potential…

PISB participates in JEDA meetings and workshops

Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems actively participates in the work of JEDA. This week, Justyna Siekierczak – Vice President of the Management Board of the Chamber, took part in the JEDA meeting, which summarized the first stage of work…


Akademia UAV logo
AeroMind logo
IWING logo
Spartaqs logo
Terra Hexen logo
Part Group logo
logo agrodron

Our goal is to improve the regulatory environment and organizational conditions of the unmanned systems market in order to fully use the economic and technological potential of the sector in Poland.


In this section you will find various types of projects in which our Chamber participates or intends to participate. We cooperate in this field with both the Civil Aviation Authority, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the Ministry of Infrastructure or other organizations of economic self-government.

harvester on the field supported by the UAV technology

Smart Farming

In the next few decades, the agricultural industry will become more important than ever.

The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, resulting in a 69% increase in global agricultural production between 2010 and 2050. To meet this demand, farmers and agricultural companies are turning to the Internet of Things for analytics and greater production capabilities.

Technological innovation in agriculture is nothing new. Hand tools were the standard hundreds of years ago, and then the industrial revolution brought the cotton gin. The 1800s brought grain elevators, chemical fertilizers and the first gas-powered tractor. The 1800s saw farmers start using satellites to schedule their work.

IoT is set to take the future of agriculture to the next level. Smart farming is already becoming more common among farmers, and high-tech farms are quickly becoming the standard thanks to agricultural drones and sensors.

drone flying over the windmill

In the next few decades, the agricultural industry will become more important than ever.

The United Nations predicts that the world’s population will reach 9.7 billion by 2050, resulting in a 69% increase in global agricultural production between 2010 and 2050. To meet this demand, farmers and agricultural companies are turning to the Internet of Things for analytics and greater production capabilities.

Technological innovation in agriculture is nothing new. Hand tools were the standard hundreds of years ago, and then the industrial revolution brought the cotton gin. The 1800s brought grain elevators, chemical fertilizers and the first gas-powered tractor. The 1800s saw farmers start using satellites to schedule their work.

IoT is set to take the future of agriculture to the next level. Smart farming is already becoming more common among farmers, and high-tech farms are quickly becoming the standard thanks to agricultural drones and sensors.


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00-867 Warszawa


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